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Architectural Intern

Kassidy Allard

As an intern, Kassidy is involved with a variety of ZBA projects and enjoys working with and learning from her peers, absorbing the opportunity to pick up new skills. Kassidy is currently studying Architecture at North Dakota State University. In her free time, Kassidy enjoys running, kayaking, traveling, and spending time with her friends and family.

What made you want to intern here?
I’m interested in designing schools or other educational buildings one day, and I know Zerr Berg has a very successful portfolio in that industry. So naturally, I thought this would be a great opportunity to explore and hone that interest.

What interested you in pursuing architecture as a career?
Since I was little, I have always been interested in design – building with Legos, drawing, and finding myself fascinated by all types of buildings. Having passion for both art and science, I knew I wanted to pursue a career along those lines, but didn’t want to focus on just one like being an engineer or interior designer would require, so architecture was that perfect blend I was seeking!

Your favorite local non-profit?
Hard to choose just one to highlight, but United Way of Cass Clay provides incredible community support and empowerment!