Part of the 2018 Detroit Lakes Public Schools bond referendum, the Roosevelt Elementary School additions and renovations project expanded and upgraded the existing facility to meet the demands of the growing district.
Three additions created ample space for new amenities and educational necessities. The first addition added six first grade classrooms with collaborative open spaces, three kindergarten classrooms, a new cafeteria and commercial kitchen, custodial storage, toilet rooms and multiple support spaces throughout. The second addition created a second gymnasium with toilet rooms, concessions and gym offices. The third addition doubled the size of the existing school office and provided a secure front entrance.
Renovations throughout the building took place over two years and were phased throughout the school year so as not to disturb classes. A fifth grade suite was created with open collaborative spaces, the music area received an additional classroom, the STEM lab and teacher workroom received upgrades and modernized technology, the main office was reconfigured to work with the new entry and breakout spaces were created throughout the entire building to encourage active learning and collaboration.